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Best Mid Lane Tips Grubby Got From A Pro Player
Best Tips Grubby Got From A 12k Pro Support Player
Ceb teaches Grubby creep aggro & explains the importance of it
"TOPSAAAAAAAAN!" -Yatoro after Topson steals his farms
Nisha's funny reaction to M1cke's Ultimate on creep
Gunnar gave tips to Grubby when playing Mid Early Game
9K Pro-player gets Recalibrated at HERALD 1
Miracle- gets Tipped by 9Pandas out of Respect for his manta micro into tp out
How To get the most out of the Off Lane Position! - Dota 2 - Grubby - Dota 2 - Grubby
Grubby: "BSJ taught me how to last hit in lane as ursa"
Dendi reacts to his GF crazy midlaner pick!
Tyler1 on Chovy